What is that one thing you have always wanted to do? What do you want to be when you grow up? Don’t be afraid to dream big, and have you’re own dream. Some people want to work for a national news team, or be a part of a fortune 500 company, work at the best hospitals, or be the best cupcake shop in town. It takes courage and guts to dream BIG, and ask yourself what you truly want from your life. Do you want to go back to school, travel the world, have a family? There are so many answers, but only you know the right one for you.

My dream was to own my own business helping others. I knew I wanted to inspire others to live their best lives. A very successful Trainer and business owner, Greg Justice once said “You are in the business of making dreams come true” and I thought it was speaking directly to me. Even if he was talking to a room full of professionals I heard him speak to me. I am in the business of making dreams come true. This weekend I got to have a Grand Opening for Inspired Training. I got to make my own dream come true, owning a small business that impacts my community.

I had a table full of snacks, prizes all lined up, equipment out and ready, and balloons! I love balloons =) I had no idea who would be showing up on a football sunday, but I did know that I was ready! I was ready, but I was also terrified!

Stretching with my Sweaty Sunday participants

Stretching with my Sweaty Sunday participants

To go out on my own and start hosting my own group fitness classes took a lot of work. I had struggled with aligning my purpose while working for other companies that did not share my mindset, goals, visions, and target market. So I took a leap and decided to start Inspired Training. This was a dream of mine, a way for me to serve my community and be passionate about what I do.

I enjoyed talking, sharing, sweating with every single person who showed up. They experienced my favorite tools and toys and shared some of my favorite healthy snacks. I couldn’t have asked for anything more!

Show and tell with the TRX!

Show and tell with the TRX!

My dream is to serve others and to help others discover their dreams and live a life that they are truly proud of. When someone asks what you do, do you get excited to share with them? Do you love what you get to wake up every morning and share with the world? If you were following your heart what would you be doing?

I’d love to hear your story. I want to know how you Dream BIG! Comment below =)