My Story
“We are all multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, multi-layered human beings”.
I’d like to share with you a bit more of my personal story, and the different dimensions of my life and work. You may resonate with parts of my story, or simply use this page to get to know me a little bit better.
Everything I have stated on the home page, I have experienced. The overwhelm, the emptiness, the unfulfilling relationships. I’ve also experienced the success, stepping into my power, transforming how I spend my time, reinventing myself and my relationships. The truth is, there is no quick fix, it is not a linear journey, and there is no perfect path to get “there”
There is no “There”
There is no “Done”
My work continues, and yours will too.
I believe that everything I have done has been a journey to who I am today. And it all started with a dream to be an actress. People, Characters, Stories, and Relationships fascinated me. I loved to read them, study them, act them, going deeper and deeper each time. My ultimate aim was to inspire just one person in the audience each night. Have them experience empathy, joy, sadness, curiosity, or any emotion that truly moved them. I LOVED what I did.
The path I was on as an actor was tough. I experienced a lot of rejection that was never explained. I fell prey to emotional manipulation and abuse. I was constantly trying to please others, and fit into the perfect box so I would get the job. And then once I got the job, I of course had to do it “right” And it all took a devastating toll on my relationship to myself and my body. Needing always to be skinner, prettier, better in some way. I got really sick, un-diagnosably sick. My body was giving me a clear sign. Something has to change.

I was broke, but desperately needed help to heal my body. I couldn’t afford a personal trainer or nutritionist. So I went back to school to become one. Fast forward I LOVED this new direction of my career and life, and I was good at it. I was still fulfilling my aim to inspire just one person each day. My clients were able to experience support, empowerment, trust, safety, joy, and health with me. But there was still a part of me trying to please people, get it right, and LOOK the part of the perfect personal trainer. I ran around to 4-5 different gyms training and teaching. I was fitting in double work outs between clients, always working harder, trying to get better in some way. I was controlling every part of my food, fitness, and how I spent my time. I became exhausted, and my body could not keep up. Again, a very clear sign. Something has to change. But I LOVED working with people, and the way I was able to show them what they were truly capable of. I wasn’t sure how to have it all.

Through a series of events and conversations I found my way into training to be a transformational life coach. Through this path I had uncovered the patterns of my life. Even though my “job” was different there was always a theme of constantly trying to fix myself and become “better” – that ultimately led to my body, mind, and spirit falling apart and begging to be loved and cared for. This pattern was the biggest obstacle in my way. It all came down to the relationship I had to myself and my worth. My job didn’t need to change, I had to transform myself.
I never forgot the common dream to inspire others, in fact it became even more clear. I did not want to inspire other by who I am or what I do, but by who they are, what they do, and how especially they feel. Through being coached, and becoming a coach, I transformed the relationship I had to myself. And everything changed.

I continued on to becoming an excellent and successful coach. I had it all, full coaching practice, leadership position at a coaching company, a flashy lifestyle with lots of airport selfies, a terrific income, a fancy website, on and on. And I still would very subtly run my old pattern. Try to control everything to stay excellent, stay successful, fix anything that was wrong, and become better in some way. The difference is I now have the foundation of awareness, love, and trust in myself that I pause, and notice I’m getting carried away sabotaging myself. I choose differently. There is a profound difference now that I surround myself with powerful and loving coaches and support structures. I live a different life because I choose to courageously live outside of my comfort zone in pursuit of a life I love. I continue break up old stories, come back to the heart of who I am, and go a little deeper. Transforming myself and my life along the way. This allows me to experience more joy, more connection, more flow. I get to redefine success, and experience the fullness of my life moment by moment. I still have bumps in the roads and breakdowns, each one teaching and guiding me. The story continues
There is no “There”
There is no “Done”
My work continues, and yours will too.
Stephanie River
Steph’s Core Values
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” (Rumi)
… to live intimately connected with ourselves, our communities, and the natural world is to integrate our lives.
“Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is ‘cor’ — the Latin word for ‘heart.’ Courage originally meant, ‘To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.’” (Brené Brown)
Vulnerability is courageous. Connecting is courageous. Connecting to our needs, others, and ourselves takes courage.
“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” (Lao Tzu)
Stepping into the river of life, trusting the current is freedom to meet the needs of each moment.

Book your complimentary 30 minute
discovery session here.
Let’s rediscover the happiness that got lost in the hustle.

Top two center photos by Kelsey Michelle Photography