Something I catch myself talking about in class, or giving as motivation to my students is the phrase “Never Stop Improving” and then I remember that it is Lowe’s hardware stores current tagline/motto. My students giggle every time I say it now, now that we have made that connection. Well maybe I should just work for Lowe’s because I’m gonna keep on saying it!
It is so true in our lives, in our fitness, and in our happiness. Human bodies are fantastic, they are so good at adapting to the challenges that you present it with. Thank you evolution! This is why we have to constantly throw it a fast ball and change it up. I always talk about picking up heavier weights, going deeper int stretches, holding that plank for just 3 seconds longer. If you stop adjusting to your work out to your adapting body you may hit the comfort zone...dun dun dun!
Consistency is KEY, and Improvement is CRUCIAL!
Improvement is incremental and takes patience and practice. In our instant gratification world it can be hard to keep pushing forward when you are not getting feedback instantly. Trust yourself, trust your coach, trust the process and never stop improving!
To keep challenging yourself I have included just a few ways that you can change up your workout routine without a whole new program
Simple adjustments to help you never stop improving in the workout room:
- Change up the tempo- Slow it down or speed it up to switch it up
- Add more resistance
- Add a hill
- Shorten your rest intervals
- Add sets or reps of your exercises
Simple adjustments to improve your day:
- Do something for someone else without asking anything in return
- Meditate or have a quite time for a few minutes
- Read something inspiring
- Focus on one thing you can accomplish today and get it done!
- Smile to yourself and to others
So go out there and never stop improving! Don’t expect immediate results. Every step in the right direction counts! Minor set backs won’t be able to stop you if you keep moving in the direction you want to go. Relax, enjoy, love the process.
Continue being awesome =)