When I was a girl I remember a short period of time where my mom had a swear jar. Any time we used fowl language or said something inappropriate we had to put a quarter in. Although this was negative reinforcement it really seemed to keep us from swearing. Did any of you have this type of accountability?
I always joke with my clients about starting an “I can’t” jar. Although all of our bodies have some limitations. Saying “I can’t” do something always seems negative and limiting. I want people to not think of any exercise being “off the table” when it comes to training. I wanted my clients to think of what is best for their body, in a positive light not in a limiting shadow of “I can’t”. I never actually implemented the “I can’t” Jar, but I believe the thought of owing me a quarter was enough to help them start changing their thinking. We went from “I can’t do ____” to phrases more like “I will do as much as I can”, “I’ll give it a shot”, “Here goes nothing!” Taking the limit off and giving them endless space to improve.
I would now consider myself a very positive person. I lay this claim because I have come a LONG way. I used to identify as a Negative Nancy. I would always think about the worse case scenario, and not just acknowledge it, but I would dwell on it. It’s all I could focus on. It was my trademark. I had read about the power of intention, but I called “bull” on it all. I’m sure you all know someone like that, maybe it even sounds like you? This outlook on life I found was very limiting! As a recovering pessimist I can use myself as an example of how positive thinking can change your life and let you live limitless. I stopped telling myself “I can’t” because the more I limited myself, the more I let others limit me, and that was getting me nowhere! Telling myself “I can’t” was telling myself “I am not good enough” Guess what?! I fired Negative Nancy because I am good enough. You are good enough. Where you are right now is exactly where you should be. Everything you have experienced is a part of your story and only adds to who you will become. Fire your Negative Nancys and say it with me:
“I am enough!”
Great! Now write that down, put it on your mirror or sticky notes around your house. I want you to believe it and internalize that affirmation. You are enough, exactly where you are. Each day is part of your journey. Your possibilities are endless! The next step is taking action! So I will leave you with some food for though:
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
As always I would love to hear what your feedback? What is your biggest struggle with this concept? What can I do to help you on your track to a limitless life? What are your plans now that you know you can accomplish anything? Comment, share with friends, let’s start the conversation!