We have all seen, and even purchased the fitness magazines we see at the check out counter. They have catchy title that draw you in. They have a model on the front cover looking tan and usually with muscles really defined. I have been a subscriber to these magazines for a few years as well. I recently just made a big shift. I stopped picking up these magazines, I cancelled my subscription and I don’t use the pictures of figure models on my vision boards anymore. There are a couple of big reasons why I don’t like reading these magazines anymore. I made them “walk the plank” as I have become an Inspired Fitness Pirate searching out my own fitness gems.  I am sharing my solution that includes pretending to be a pirate. (Now you gotta keep reading right?)

My suggestion is to first take a look at how you feel when you are reading this material. If it inspires you and gets you pumped up, keep reading. If you are working toward a fitness figure competition, or looking to be in the body building crowd than you are probably in the right place with those magazines.

If you identify with any of my issues it might be time to put them down and find a better solution. I want the material you read and look at to be inspiring, and make you feel good about your own personal journey.

The ads make me feel terrible

I realized that many of the images and wording in the ads made me feel uncomfortable. I still did enjoy the recipes and some of the workouts, but I know I can attain healthy recipes and new workout ideas from following people that are not going to expose me to ads that make me feel awful. The ads usually have very cut models that are sprayed, oiled, and looking fierce. Every other page is this supplement, that product, the cleanest protein, the leanest detox, the best 14 day fat loss system. UGH! As you know I am not about that life. It is hard to ignore ads that are constructed to catch our attention and make us feel as if we need their products. (Marketers are seriously good at making us feel inadequate unless we use their formula, it is how they sell) Instead I just turned away.

The pictures do not feel real:

I give the cover models a TON of credit for being dedicated to their diets and exercise regimens to get their body to produce those results. Unfortunately I know that for photo prep there is often serious deprivation and excess exercise to get to that image. I promote fitness for life, not for a phase. Looking at these pictures made me feel as if I were looking at something unattainable without drastic measures. I do not strive to look like a figure model, I want to BE a role model of sustainable fitness for life. Reading these magazines I would feel myself not truly connected to the message, making it un-inspiring and un-motivating to keep reading and paying for the information and images. I gave it up, and I have traded up.


I have found some of the BEST people to follow on social media and I have jumped on a few email newsletters that keep my inspired and motivated. The best thing is that these fitness pros only advertise for things that they believe in, and I only follow professionals that I believe in. Usually it’s a pretty good match. It’s like creating your own perfectly inspirational magazine on your Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter account. If you’re tired of the usual magazine routine. I recommend that you do a little digging in the Facebook world to find the people who lift you up.

If you are not following me yet…why not?! Check me out on Facebook, Instagram, or jump on my (inner circle) newsletter list. You will see me re-post quotes, articles, images, and great content from some of the people I follow and that is where your treasure hunt can start!

Be a Pirate….arrrrrrghhhhhh!

Treat it like a treasure hunt, looking for the best fitness pro gems you can find. Follow them on different social media platforms. Sign up for email lists, read good content from people killing it in the fitness world. There is so many hidden treasures out there, some of those gems will be exactly what you are looking for! That makes me feel like a pirate, and it’s always fun to pretend =)

Happy treasure hunting, matey!

Arghh…Walk the PLANK!