We all share feelings of hesitation and even self-doubt when it comes to fulfilling a really big goal we have. A friend once told me if your dreams don’t scare you, than they are not big enough. I fully believe that. Feeling afraid is normal. Road blocks happen to everyone. Most of the time there is something very identifiable holding us back.

For a very long time I placed the “problem” or the “blame” outside of myself. I would claim that certain things were “out of my control” I am just waiting for so-and-so or such-and-such. It was time for a shift in responsibility. I had to start taking ownership of everything. I had to start stepping up and being proactive, instead of being a victim of circumstance. I was truly the only one holding myself back.

What is really holding you back? Can you take responsibility and change it?

If your BIG goal is fitness related, where are you placing the “problem” or the “blame” Is it on the pizza coupons that show up in your mailbox that are such a good deal you can’t pass them up? Do you believe that your trainer is programing well enough for you? When your friends of significant other orders dessert do you feel like it is just taunting you? Your knee/back/other pain? Not enough time in the day? Not enough energy? Too many prior commitments? Fear of failure? Fear of success? There are SO many things that can be holding us back I just rambled off a few that I hear the most.

First you have to name it. Figure out what you actually believe is your biggest obstacle, what is truly holding you back. Then you need to take responsibility for it. You don’t blame the pizza company for sending you coupons, but you learn how to throw them in the recycling before thinking twice. It may not be your choice to receive the coupon, but it is your choice to use it. (I use this example because I have been known to crave pizza, just because I got the buy one get one free ad in the mail that day.) If it is pain that is standing in your way, take responsibility for it and find a way work around it or even seek a health professional to help you finally address the real problem.

Time is another huge issue that holds people back. This is a personal issue and you have to own it. You don’t blame your job, or your family commitments on taking up the time. We must take responsibility for how we use our time and what we really prioritize.

Do you see how taking responsibility can take and excuse and turn it in to a solvable issue that you can be truly proactive. Make that roadblock your B*&@h! Your “excuse” then becomes something that you can take action against. Don’t blame poor results on anyone else, but yourself and your daily choices and habits (harsh truth). What is really holding you back is inside of you and it is for you to work through. You are strong enough to work through it. Ask for help, seek advice and guidance when needed, and then go after your BIG goal.