Fitness inspiration outside the box

I hope if you have been following me for a short while now you will notice that I do things a little bit different at Inspired Training. I don’t post huge before and after pictures, I don’t run 21-day weight loss competitions, and I don’t promote hard core strict eating habits. I actually post pictures of my Chipotle, chocolate, and fried egg sandwiches. I believe in balance, in eating for life, and training hard because you care about how your body performs. I can preach these things now, because I have been on the other side of the fence and have experienced the let down of fad diets, weight loss competitions, and trying to short cut my way to the “ideal body”.

The fad diet world

There is a lot of noise in the “Diet and Exercise” world. As a young woman I fell trap to so many different fad diets, detox and cleanses, designer supplements, and anything that seemed like it would help me get that “ideal” body I saw on the cover of magazines. Deep down I knew that they were photoshopped, but it didn’t matter. It was still the benchmark of what was the perfect girl. When I was “finding” myself I was actually trying to mold myself into the “perfect” girl. The girl all the boys liked, because I could drink beer like a champ, and not gain a pound. Obviously that does not work. I was always in a state of binge (on cookies, nachos, beer, and burgers) to a deprived state (eating only Special K products and sipping on “skinny” drinks) Although the Special K diet seems to be less advertised than when I was in school, there are still all sorts of pre-made structured diets that actually put your body in a very very deprived state. Cutting your calories dramatically will usually show results, but what do you do when you run out of your boxed, dehydrated, soup you’re supposed to eat? What happens when you finish the program? What do you do when you try to return to real food?

The real story

I was very happy to see those people that were close to me loose significant weight on a very restricted prescriptive diet (I am not going to name names or brands) They were incorporating exercise and seeing some awesome results. Then the inevitable happened. They transitioned back to normal food and were confused as to why they weren’t seeing the same results. Still working with a personal trainer and eating mindful, they weren’t experiencing the same dramatic results as when on the “diet”. These stories unfortunately happen ALL the time. I see it with clients, family, friends, and Facebook “success” stories. Then when real food is brought back into the picture results cease and confusion and feelings of failure set in. These diets are only meant to work while you are on them. Very short term solution based. You cannot live on a deprived diet, and why would you want to?

Sorry, no short cuts!

There are no short cuts to real results. Wholesome real food should be used to help us reach our goals. Not food made in a lab to have the desired “weight loss” effect. I don’t ever structure programs or diets to loose weight in a short amount of time. I feel like it is empty promises. I could push you harder than ever before, and get you to eat on a very strict diet and you would see results, but that lifestyle is not sustainable. There is a better way! I would rather work with you to understand your relationship to food, and how to use it to satisfy you while also creating lifelong healthy habits to live your best life.

The {Eat. Train. Love.} Manifesto

My motto is Eat Well, Train Hard, and Love always. I have written a Manifesto that lays all of this out for you. I talk about everything from your relationship to food, to what is the most convenient way to get more vegetables into your everyday eating. I talk about the difference between exercising and training. How setting goals and knowing why you want to achieve them helps you stay motivated. Then I talk about Love. I really work with my clients on positive self-talk and how a positive relationship with our reflection can actually help us enjoy the journey. You can’t self-hate your way to achieving your goals. You have to accept yourself, including your flaws, and then push yourself to improve the areas of your life that may be holding you back. I have put a lot on the line writing this ebook. I reject the “diet and exercise” world, which is very hard for a fitness professional to get away from. I have made this ebook available for everyone for free!

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<<<Click here for your copy of The {Eat. Train. Love} Manifesto>>>

So PLEASE, put down that fad diet/detox/cleanse and start Eating, Training, and Loving your way to your best healthy life!