As long as I can remember I have really enjoyed the process of falling asleep. I jump into bed, snuggle up with heavy blankets (yup even in summer) and wrap my hands around my pillow. Then I’d get to dreaming.

I’d dream BIG while laying awake. It was my favorite part of falling asleep. I have always been a dreamer. I would write fairy tales in my head before bed. In Jr High and High School it was mostly about boys. As I got older I would visualize my auditions, interviews, dates, and my future life.

Sometimes these dreams while I was awake would leak into my dreams as I fell asleep as I was controlling my dreams. I felt powerful and like I could make anything happen. This is where I all started for me. I’ve carried this little sleepy technique into my daily life.

There are many studies about how visualizing what you want can help you manifest your dreams. There is the law of attraction, power of intention and so many other theories about how and why this happens. I am just going to call it MAGIC. (Funny thing is I didn’t even know I was magical, I just enjoyed thinking about what was possible!)

We can all harness this power. It is available to all of us. I have heard many people around me lately saying that they aren’t dreamers. That they can’t dream big. I’ve had questions about how I can dream with so much confidence that I will make it happen. Honestly I can’t explain why I have so much confidence. I’ve tried to figure it out. Thing about magic is you just have to believe. (Thanks Tinkerbell for the lesson) I also have a tiny bit of proof in my own life.

I specifically remember a time when I would visualize love. What my life would look like in a committed relationship. On the outside I was very self conscious and used to joke with my family that I didn’t want to be married until I was 57 (exactly…because odd numbers) But still before I fell asleep I would dream about my life with a partner.

Then it happened. I met my husband. There were a few nights as I was falling asleep where I didn’t know what to visualize. My reality was exactly what I had been dreaming about. It was surreal and scary. You guys…it was like magic! (Gooey romance section complete)

I then moved on to visualizing what I wanted to be my best self. I didn’t know the exact definition, but I would just dream about everything that could happen. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t have nightmares while awake too. This is when I would let life stressors and overwhelm take over and I would think about the “worst case scenario” this was not the best way to fall asleep.

Time to tap into your power. Whatever you want to call it magic, science, social proof, power of intention. It’s all the same. Dreaming BIG produces the space to BE BIG. What will your life look like when you “have it all”?

I invite you…actually I CHALLENGE you to try this out. Find a comfy spot and really just let your imagination run wild. Think about what your best life would look like. Can you see this happening next year? What would it take to get there? What is the BIG dream that excites you and scares you?

This is not the time to start planning the steps. Just put yourself 1, 2, 5, 10 years in the future and live there for a few minutes before you doze off to sleep. Feel all the feels, see all the things, live all the happy =)

I can’t explain the magic, but I can tell you the more you believe the better it is.

Sleep Tight, Dream BIG and ZzZzZzZz…

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