Spoiler Alert: It’s because you’re not broken!

Here’s the story: We’ve all tried the newest “highly effective” 21 day fix and it didn’t work. Maybe you did see few results, even possibly some great stuff was going on in that 21 days. You were focused, you could see the light at the end of the tunnel and you were determined to be “disciplined” for the entire 21 days! Congratulations…now what?

Are you fixed?

What happens in the next 21 days? Do you have a plan a strategy? Or have you jumped in face first into that pint of ice cream that has been calling your name for the past 21 days?

I am going to guess that your whole life didn’t transform in 21 days. Was it the jump start you needed, or was it a way of grasping at straws trying to “fix” yourself.

What if I told you that 21 day fix didn’t work because YOU’RE NOT BROKEN! I get it, the weight loss industry is quite good at marketing. (I’ve been there, and bought into it many times myself) They make you see yourself in a certain way, show you “before and after” pictures that inspire you, they pull the entire bag of tricks to get you to enroll in their newest “fix.”

I invite you to blind side the next 21 day “fix” marketing scheme by saying: “There is nothing to fix, I’m not broken” Coming from this new place will put you back power.

These “fixes” come in many shapes, sizes, pills, programs, names, and promises. I challenge you to investigate the next thing that comes up for you. I want you to ask yourself the tough questions.

Is this another fix? What will happen after this program? Am I looking for the “easy” way to temporary change? What do I really want?

I went through this when all I desperately wanted was to be thin. I wanted the ideal skinny, short, blonde girl thing that would get me hired as an actress and be seen as a desirable woman. I spent an embarrassing amount of money I did not have on pills, programs and weight loss secrets. I created a problem for myself.

First of all the diets, pills, and fixes made me sick. While I was so focused on my outward appearance my gut, my hormones, and my blood health suffered. These programs did not fix me, instead they helped me prove that “I’m broken”

When I finally hit rock bottom for myself I had to start asking those same hard questions. What was this really about? Was it really about the size jeans I was fitting into, or was it about something more. I realized I was operating from the “I’m not good enough” mindset. Continually trying to prove myself worthy by my size. From this place everything I truly wanted became impossible.

It was only when I discovered this destructive story could I change it. It was not as easy as just saying “Well, maybe I am good enough” (That would just be another fix) I had to do some work. I had to get real with myself and make discover my desire, and my mission. This is what pulled me out of the story.

My intention is not to wave my magic wand and make you feel better about yourself. (Although, if I had a magic wand I would wave it and make all the weight loss industry negative bull shit go away) My aim is to show you another option. You’re in the drivers seat here. Are you going to jump from fix to fix? Hopefully the next one is the one that will work…

Or are you going to look within yourself and give yourself permission to be whole, right now. To allow yourself to come from a place of perfect imperfection. There is nothing that you have to “fix” Only you can make that shift in your mindset.

You’re not broken, you’re not broken, you’re not broken! (I’m trying to wave my magic wand again.) I can preach till I’m blue in the face, but it is truly up to you to change your story and go after what you truly desire.

The first step is to notice the story you are in. Investigate your language and start to recognize what is keeping you in that negative cycle. Next is to look inward, ask yourself the hard questions, and forge a new powerful story. Shift your mindset an you’ll never fall for one of those trashy marketing campaigns again =)