I recently heard a metaphor about living. “Don’t let life turn the page on you” I like it and it gives me a really fun visual to play with.


Sometimes when we get caught up in the day to day, week to week, year by year tasks and routines it can feel like time is flying by. Ever feel like you get to the end of the month and swear the 1st was just yesterday?


It’s happened to me! This isn’t necessarily good or bad. I love routine, and making habits automatic to reach my goals. What I don’t like is getting to the end of a day, week, or month and feel like I was so “busy” yet I didn’t get anything done.


That is what I think of, when I hear “Don’t let life turn the page on you”


For me it looks like this:

  • Letting distractions take priority
  • Spreading myself too thin and not making progress on what’s important
  • Weekends fly by while sitting on the couch to “exhausted” for play/fun
  • All my to-dos are done, but no goals are met
  • My dream life feels farther and farther away
  • I show up as a shell of myself… always “tired, busy, stressed”
  • Possibility fades and I settle for reality


This is NOT how I want my days, months, and years to go. I’ve got big plans that include traveling the world and adventuring with my husband. I want a business that I love, that allows me to be fulfilled in work and play. I want to watch my client soar with success and begin living their dream lives too.   For these dreams to be realized, I have come to one conclusion.


I have to write my story daily.


What it looks like when I write my story:

  • Focus on my BIG rock items
  • Prioritize adventure and play as a way to refresh
  • Obstacles are managed
  • I choose when I am being distracted
  • My vision keeps pulling me forward
  • I am grounded in my purpose
  • I show up as the best version of myself
  • I have created my possibility as reality


Now the question is: How do we make this happen?


The easy answer is to choose it. It will be a practice. Writing your own story doesn’t mean distractions aren’t there. It doesn’t mean things wont come up and get in the way. It does mean that your commitment to creating life the way you want is bigger than the distractions, obstacles and set backs.


What are some ways you can practice writing your own story?


In my journal daily I set an intention or a stand for the day. I ask myself who do I want to be in the world today, and how does that influence my priority list. ß That is another thing. I make a priority list every day.


You can steal my practices or discover your own.


Maybe it shows up as an affirmation.


Possibly sticky notes to remind yourself that you are writing this story.


Structure to prioritize and focus


What does it look like for you?


Don’t let life turn the page on you. Take the pen. Choose to write your own story.