The idea of being “fearless” has been rubbing me the wrong way lately. What does that even mean?!?! My stance may be a bit controversial (and I usually don’t like ruffling feathers) but hear me out.

My take on it. When someone claims that they are “fearless” I believe they are lying. They are lying to you, they are lying to themselves, and they are lying to the world.


The difference is how you live with them. You can let it stifle your creativity, stop you from setting big goals, and completely hijack your life.


You can decide to acknowledge that they are there, and then tell them to take the back seat. YOU are the one driving today. It’s your choice.

Our fears are here for a reason. At some point they have probably saved our lives. To claim that they don’t exist isn’t serving you. Forget striving to be fearless. Embrace that your fears are real, and that you still get to decide what’s next!

What’s your take on it? I’d love to hear what you think!