We often postpone our goals, personal growth, and self-development because we are oh so comfortable in those habits we’ve spent years cementing. We refuse to change. Why would we? Change is hard; change requires time and effort.
We lead our lives thinking it can take over 50 years, and a multitude of self-help books to change. Let me tell you something: that mentality will not get you where you want to be. At one point we all need to experience a paradigm shift.
We can start to shift our mindset by committing to making a different choice. And this could be as simple as that MAKING that choice, in a split second, to have it go differently than it’s ever gone before.
Make a split-second decision and stick to it!
Be the boss, make decisions and let your mind see them through no matter what!
Once you make a split-second decision the key is to be consistent. Reinforce the decision with every opportunity you get.
A good friend of mine recently applied this concept (we’ll call her Pam). Pam is an absolutely outstanding worker, everything she does is detailed, timely, and of extremely high quality. Recently, Pam forgot to attach a document to an email for an important client. When she realized her mistake the next day, she was furious. “So unprofessional,” she thought. For several hours after rectifying the email, she was boiling with disappointment.
She stepped out of the office for a minute and came to the halting realization she was poisoning her day; she was sabotaging herself.
In a split-second, Pam decided she’d had enough negativity for the day. She chose to be happy, she chose to have a good rest of her day. Why? Because in that split moment, she knew she wanted to be productive, and successful. Beating yourself up can suck time and energy out of your day, making that split-second decision can remedy that–just like it did for my friend Pam!
The secret to a split decision is to commit to that decision and hold yourself to it.
That may seem daunting but if you make the decision to commit every time you feel yourself slipping out, you will succeed!