Summer is my favorite season. I love the sunshine, I love the activities that blossom during this time of year, and to be honest I love the way my skin glows just a bit on the golden side.

Last year I had a GREAT Summer pushing myself to a new goal. I rode my first Century (100 mile bike race) I didn’t have a network that I could train with at the hours I was available, so I was a mostly solo rider. I spent hours in the saddle exploring my beautiful area, reflecting on what I really wanted to do in my life, and getting in great endurance shape. In total I rode 1,000 miles ending with the official Chuckanut Century.

For a few years now Summer cycling has been my thing. I increase the amount of miles I ride each year. This year I was going BIG! I was talking about a Double Metric Century (124 miles) I had rallied friends to ride with me on weekends and bought a few extra jerseys while they were on sale. I was truly looking forward to writing a blog series “Summer in the Saddle” or something catchy like that.

Then my body decided to chime in on the matter.

My body: ehem… excuse me… can you please slow down… just a little… I’m having a hard time keeping up

Me: Time to level up yo! I’m gonna prep for a strength challenge and ride my bike 100 miles per week!

My body: Wait what are we going to do?

Me: Yup watch me kill this clean and press challenge… and GO!

My body: If you’re not gonna listen, how about a little back pain to slow you down and I’ll throw in a little adrenal fatigue, plus daily tension headaches… and GO!

Me: F@&%

My body: Now you’re my B!#&%!!!! BOOOOOYAAAAAAHHHHHH

In reality it was a steady decline of one thing after the other. The message was received loud and clear! My body was asking for something entirely different. It needs rest, recovery, and it’s not messing around!

Chronic stress (the “good” kind from training hard and the “bad” kind from staying anxious, busy, overwhelmed) add up to take a big toll on all the systems of your body. I realize I have lived my life with chronic stress for years. As far back as my senior year in college I was tired, stressed, pushing myself too hard, and not listening to the signals in my body.

At first this looked like a grim summer. No heavy/intense/sweat dripping workouts? No endurance cycling for hours and hours a week? (Also because of an food sensitivity) No alcohol? What in the world was I going to do? I could feel my self sinking into a bad attitude.

Luckily I caught myself. I decide to take action to get well. The only person who can actively make that happen was me. I don’t have to stop improving, I get to improve in a whole new way. “Change your thinking, change your life” Right?! Thanks John Maxwell.

This summer I am opening up and listening to what my body really needs. I have decided to make this my SOS, Summer of Stephanie. It is now the summer of healing, yoga, leisure walks, recovery, adrenal support, hormone balancing, and learning to reduce stress and anxiety. I will increase activity when I’m ready and maybe even get a few leisure bike rides in. (leisure being the key word here)

I know I am not alone in this. We can all get caught up in the whirlwind of life and miss the subtle signals our bodies send us. Many of my clients are saying the same things about their bodies. Recurring injuries, excessive fatigue, gut issues, headaches, and poor sleep are ALL signs that something may need to change.

I urge you to not wait until your body makes you her B!#&% I encourage you to LISTEN to your body, today. Right now.

This is NOT permission to loose all sight of goals and trade in the gym for the couch and a bag of potato chips. There are many ways to improve that don’t include running your body into the ground, or giving up all hope. It is time to navigate the middle.

What is your body asking for? Are you in need of recovery? Or are you in need of more activity? Activity and training are awesome tools when used correctly to give you energy, and help you manage stress. Honor your body and your well being. What are you going to do to improve your health?

It is the Summer of You! What are you going to do with it?