Strength noun

(pulled from

– the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor.

– mental power, force, or vigor.

– moral power, firmness, or courage.

– power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc.

– power of resisting force, strain, wear, etc.

Everyday we see different definitions and demonstrations of strength.  One way to measure strength is in numbers: size, shape, and definition of muscles. Being strong can mean that you squat triple digits, deadlift three times your bodyweight, and chest press a small bear.  But, you can also demonstrate strength in the way you stick to your training with vigor.  You may not be squatting massive amounts of weight, but you are powerful and strong.  You train according to a plan, staying mentally focused and tackling your biggest challenges.  That is strength, just as much as numbers on a barbell.

I am not at all surprised at the number of times “power” shows up in these definitions.  There is so much power behind our strength.  There is power in our muscular strength, our mental vigor, our moral selves.  We must train our body and our minds to embrace strength, we must embody that power.  I believe that the power in and the strength is already within each and everyone of us.  This is our super power.  That is right, we ALL have SUPER POWERS! We just have to unlock it and use it to the best of our abilities.  We become even stronger by trusting ourselves and using our own super powers for good.

What are your super powers? How do you measure strength?