Let’s talk about how to be a self care superstar. I’ve created 5 easy steps to get you going on the path of self care stardom.
Many times we get BUSY. I do this too! We all get caught up in the action trap. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE me some action, but sometimes all that doing can wear a girl out. Maybe you can relate. What happens on your busiest days?
For me I end up eating at least 2 protein bars instead of real meals. I’ll supplement my energy with caffeine and sugar. The cherry on top is that my hydration game is a little lacking without keeping up with my water. Some of these days are highly productive for work I am all #GETS#!&DONE mode. I also usually end up with a little neck tension and a headache (note the lacking hydration game) It feels to be accomplished, but at what cost?
What happens if you start doing this two days in a row? Three? Continuously?
I’ll spell it out for you B-R-E-A-K-D-O-W-N!!!!
Welcome to the story of my life! I’m guessing you know what this is like. We all have your own flavor of “busy days” but you most likely you can relate. Let’s face it busy days are not always avoidable, we have responsibility, goals, families, and just life in general. I don’t know a magic formula to take away busy and replace it with total peace. If I did I’d sell it to yah 😉
The million dollar question is how do we take care of ourself when you are having these busy days?
Easy answer: Become a self-care superstar!
There are 5 easy steps to get there. The great thing about these 5 easy steps is that they are unique to you. HA! I told you there was not magic formula 😉 What I can do is share my 5 favorite steps to taking care of myself, and invite you to try them out.
1) Breathe and Be Still aka Meditation: Science can now prove the importance and benefits of meditation, but I can tell you from a personal side of things that it is truly transformative. I have tried all types of meditation. This simple thing to do here is to breathe and be still. Start with just a few minutes.
2) Get Moving: I enjoy many different types of movement. As long as I get up from my desk or step away from my work space and move. Sometimes this equals walking my dog through nature, other times it’s simple relaxation stretching. Probably my favorite type of movement involves a quickened heart rate and a little sweat. Weather that is a vigorous dance party or a sweaty workout session is up to you =)
3) Eat, Eat, Eat: On my busiest days I have to remind myself to eat what is best going to fuel me and keep my energy a up. As I mentioned earlier this is hard to do while busy, but it can also make or break my day. I’ll find convenient ways to get my veggies in and flavorful ways to get my water in. I have some go to salad bars, and healthy restaurant options. Pro tip: Eating out creates less mess that I have to clean up later too. It’s a win- win! This is where meal prep, or thinking ahead can also really benefit you.
4) Connect: There is no faster way to lift my mood and get me back to my best self than to connect with someone I love. I crave this kind of connection during my work days. It also forces me to take a quick break. I will often call my mom, or another close friend. When I plan ahead I make lunch plans with some of my favorite people. To be completely honest even just connecting with a barista can usually lift my mood and keep me on track to being a self care superstar. Cue going to a local coffee shop and getting more tea/coffee/whatever. (it also switches up my work environment…so it’s a 2 for 1)
5) Treat yo self! When I am working hard it is important to treat myself as I go along. I don’t recommend using this as an excuse for excessive chocolate or ice cream. What I do love to do is get a manicure or pedicure, schedule a massage, buy a new wardrobe piece, take an afternoon for pleasure reading and lounging, watch my favorite dance show, schedule a date night with my husband, or just simply visiting the ocean in the sunshine. This may be my most recommend form of self care. #treatyoself …seriously! These treats don’t have to punctuate your action like a full stop period. You can count them as a comma, a great way to keep the work moving forward with just a slight pause.
I invite you to take these, bend them, mold them, change them, and make them yours. (Or copy them verbatim, I don’t care!) Find 5 things that take care of you in your own unique way
It’s your turn! I wanna know what you do to keep yourself operating at 100%. I’ll be honest I want to steal some of your tricks! Share them below in the comments or come start a convo on the facebook page.
GO be a Self-Care Superstar…It may be your new secret to super momentum!