I AM NOT A BOSS. There is a cute theme going around #ladyboss#bossbabe #beaboss, I’m sure you’ve seen them. Maybe even used them?
I have nothing against people who love the #bossbabe craze.
I am here to say that I am not a BOSS and I don’t strive to be. I’m here to stand for others that don’t resonate with the idea of being a boss.
The word boss does not resonate with the work I do for myself or others. First of all, I am not bossing anyone around. Secondly, if I bossed myself around I’d probably start hating my life.
I am a LEADER. I lead myself, my clients, my community.
I am here to be a beacon of what is possible. I am here to bring speed and power to the ideal life we are creating. I am here to empower others to lead.
And it can be cute too: #ladyleaders #leadyourlife #notaboss #ichoosetolead