There is no complete failure unless you abandon yourself. Each step is a step in the right direction, because even if you try something and it didn’t quite work…you’ve learned and now you can move forward from that. So instead of viewing that as a failure, I view that as a success lesson. You can learn MANY ways that won’t work, don’t view them as set backs or failures. See them as part of the journey, learn, grow and keep moving forward toward the year you dreamed of. It’s just a PAUSE and then you PUSH FORWARD
When I would mess something up royally. Or get stuck without a clue how to move forward…I had a strategy: At this point I usually ate a healthy dose of Dark Chocolate, took a deep breath (sometimes a nap) and then I would keep pushing toward my dreams and goals. I did not all of the sudden become more brave, courageous, or wise than I was before. I just took a pause to realign with the courage I already have. The deep breathes and extra moments reignited my determination. I will not let fear be what was holding me back. It is ok to be afraid, as long as you acknowledge it, shake it’s hand, and then keep taking the right action steps to push forward. Find a system that helps you relax and refocus and do this ritual every time that you are feeling a bit scared, overwhelmed, or feel like throwing in the towel