Alright, I am opening up my favorite can of worms! I want to talk about perfection with you.
I am a recovering perfectionist, myself. I’m talking about paralyzing perfectionism—the kind of perfectionism that kept me bottled up and running on a hamster wheel. You know what I mean?
I’m starting to play with the idea that perfection is everything and nothing at all. What I mean by that is that we are all perfect, just as we are.
I’ve practiced leaving things unfinished and imperfect for weeks on end. Initially, letting go of little things like spelling errors, as well as BIG things like launching products and services before I consider them “perfect,” was a challenge.
I’ve also practiced declaring myself perfect, for everything I am and everything I am not. This is being unapologetically brilliant and owning up to every ounce of greatness that I am.
It feels like hanging out in both camps… and I like it that way.
I even own a t-shirt that says “Perfection is Overrated” and one that says “I’mperfect”. (Always on the look out for more “perfect” tees. Kinda obsessed!)I truly believe that perfection is EVERYTHING! Meaning declaring that you are perfect, just as you are. This is the basis of unconditional self-love.
AND I believe that there is no such thing as a standard of “perfection.” Striving to BE perfect is overrated because you already are. Trying to make that blog post/sales page/video “perfect” is like trying to capture big foot. Chasing the “perfect” body is like chasing the loch ness monster.
Ultimately perfection isn’t a standard, it’s a decision. And it’s only YOU that gets to make that decision.
Still following? Some of you may be nodding your head screaming YES YES YES!!!! Others may think I’m crazy. I’m cool with either 😉
And I invite you to be curious for yourself. What’s your stance?