What is your focus when you are drinking your morning cup of coffee or tea? Do you have a positive outlook on your day? Is this time sacred sipping time, or is it stressfully guzzling the coffee to make sure you function in the morning? I believe the morning should have rituals, things that start you off with a positive mood. I would call my breakfast and tea time a special time of the morning. I try to set up my day in a good mood. What are your morning rituals? I use journaling to jot down things I am thankful for as well as set up a top 5 do do list for the day. I eat my protein packed breakfast, sip from one my many uplifting mugs and remember to breathe.

Courage Mug

This is my favorite mug. I’ve used it before big job interviews, before countless auditions and shows. I use it when I am feeling blue. I feel comforted even if I’m just drinking water from this mug. It holds a special place in my heart and the message is a constant affirmation for me. I feel as if I am actually drinking courage straight from this magical charmed mug. It also has an adorable heart at the bottom so my spirit is lifted when I drink from it and see a bright red heart peaking out behind my coffee or tea =)

Courage Mug 2

I received this cup from my mom close to a year after she bought it for me. This was during my young adult rebellious and very selfish years. She didn’t give it to me till I deserved it. In fact it sat in our mug drawer at home and I’d use it when I was visiting from college, not knowing it was originally bought for me. I actually remember sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee out of this mug and mentioned that it was my favorite mug. My mom’s response was priceless “Yah, well I bought it for you a while back at Women’s Retreat, but I didn’t think you deserved it when I got home…so I kept it” I was appalled what? I don’t deserve a mug? My mom was right (like she always is) I was getting lost for my first few year in college and I often made poor decisions that were not about courage, but about what I thought was “cool” I’m not sure if my mom knows this or not, but I still think back to this story and reflect.

Do I deserve this cup right now? Do I deserve to drink out of this cup daily? Constant affirmations are important. This is my affirmation mug, even when the going gets tough I know I can drink down a big mug of courage whenever I need it. What affirmations keep you feeling alive and positive on your daily grind? Do you have a magical mug, a special cereal bowl, a powerful outfit, or inspirational socks?

What could you do to start your morning in a more positive way? What new habits can you start today to strengthen your mind and your spirit for when the going gets rough?