Something has really been on my mind lately. Energy. I’m not talking about the energy we get from food or coffee, or those terrible energy drinks. I am referring to the Energy we give and take from others through our outlook. Are we optimistic? Do we show that we are optimistic? The positive or negative energy that we put out each and every minute of every day has an effect on ourselves as well as the people around us, especially during exercise.

I think about this when I am teaching a class. I have a direct connection to a room full of people who are counting on me to bring enough energy and optimism to get them through the toughest workouts. You can give and take energy to get you through that last set and feel good about it. Maybe it is a friendly competitive energy, or a group working toward a common goal energy, or simply the joy of discovering what your body is capable of. This large scale energy exchange can change the outcome of your mindset and rev you increasing the effectiveness of that sweat session on your body and your mind. It happens on a small scale too. If you saw someone running on a treadmill or lifting next to you rocking out to their headphones, smiling, and looking like they really enjoy what they are doing…do you smile? Does it put a fire under your own butt? Or do you play the part of “Negative Nancy” and call them crazy? Let go of that negativity and borrow some of that energy, USE IT! Positivity is contagious! It is more beneficial to bring people up to your positive and optimistic outlook than to sink to their negative level to protect their feelings. Start with your positive attitude and the people around you have permission to be positive as well! These small practices can really make a big impact on your overall happiness.

Can you think back to the most fun, most effective workout you can remember? Do you remember the exact moves you were doing? Possibly, but more likely you remember the energy surging through you. If it was a group workout, the whole group was pulsing with positive energy. If it was a solo workout the optimistic energy was sweating out your pores. Keeping giving yourself and others cues to maintain positive energy. This has greater long term effects, than negative self talk.

Negative reinforcement does not work as a permanent fix. If you are continually in a negative mood when you arrive and or leave the gym. You will eventually give up on it. If you are continually body shaming yourself into the gym, or onto the treadmill, you are not getting the full benefit from your exercise. The mind plays a HUGE role in the outcome of each workout. There is research supporting positivity as more effective. If you get your mind on the right track your body will follow. You have to commit to loving your body. I promise you cannot HATE yourself skinny and be healthy. Health and exercise is mind and body practice. If you don’t believe in yourself how can you ask it to continue to transform? If you say you cannot loose the weight, or gain the strength…you have not gotten your head in the game yet. Tell yourself you CAN, and you WILL! Start a positive mindset and then take ACTION toward all that you want.

Practice positivity! Try to feed on the positive energy around you in the gym, in your home, and in your life. Don’t get brought down by the negative people around you, but let your positivity inspire them to change their outlook. The practice of positivity will help you succeed way beyond the walls of the workout room. It will help you seek out positivity and productivity in your entire life. Don’t believe me? Give it a try anyway. I promise it won’t hurt 😉

These thoughts have been racing through my mind for a few weeks now, and another fit pro JillFit Physiques recently just posted a fantastic blog that explains this in more depth. She even interviews Happiness researcher Shawn Achor! Take a look here

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