Maybe it feels like I left you hanging last week. I hope I got you all fired up possibilities for your New Year. I am going to clarify a bit this week. Take you from thinking big, to 3 tangible steps you can take forward.

During the last week of the year I asked you to do something different. I asked you to NOT make a resolution, but to dream big anyway. I know I sound a bit contradictory at this point. I don’t want you to overhaul your life just because it is a new year. I do however want to show you that REAL change is possible if you believe that it is. I asked you to dream BIG, but not state this dream as a resolution. I want you to have big goals and aspirations, but I want you to stay small on the steps to achieve it.

I am talking about each and everyday you make small choices and decisions. Our aim is to try to get these everyday practices to be in line with where we ultimately want to go. We are also not aiming for perfection. We want to stay in line with our intentions without being so strict that one “mistake” knocks us off the wagon and sends us into a tail spin of the guilt trap.

My personal example takes me back to my 2014 year “goal” “theme” “intention”. I wanted to show myself self love. I wanted to see myself and love myself like my husband saw and loved me. This DID NOT mean that I never had low days. Some days I would wake up and look in the mirror and be less than pleased. What I did do was constant reinforcement. I wrote phrases on my mirror in Expo marker. They always included the simple phrase LOVE. That was the short version to remind myself what my intentions were for the year. I also hung one of the most flattering pictures I had of myself above my full length mirror. This was a good way to remind myself that sometimes i need to look at myself in the 3rd person to see myself for my best qualities, not the imperfections I saw when I looked in the mirror. I also had affirmations about myself that I would repeat as I walked my dog through the beautiful trails behind myself. “I am beautiful, I am confident, I am enough” and on particular tough days I would add “I am a badass” Reminding myself that I stronger than my bad days. When I started this if felt really silly, but it seriously boosted my mood and helped me get back on track with my intentions.

How can you apply these principles to other goals?

Take 3 steps forward

First of all stating your intentions for the next year in a positive phrase is WAY more helpful. If it’s not, flip it. Instead of “Stop, Loose, Don’t,Give up” use words like “Create, Gain, Learn, Grow, Improve” This will set your mind up for a positive change, rather than thinking something is wrong with you. NOTHING is wrong with you, you’re just using this time to make improvements. Everyone has room to improve, learn and grow.

Second, think of a short way to remind yourself of you intention. An acronym, or short word or phrase. Then I want you to write that down EVERYWHERE! Sticky notes on the computer, background of your phone, notes on your mirror, journal by your bed, get that positive message in everyplace you can.

Third, start living this intention. Each time you make a decision, ask if the outcome is in line with what you want. Rough days, stressful weeks, celebrations, holidays, the good, the bad, and the ugly all of these things can distract us. Acknowledge when you aren’t on track with your intention for the year and instead of beating yourself up (that obviously doesn’t get you back on track very fast) accept it,and move forward. Re-write your goals, intention, themes and ask yourself the 1 thing that can help you move toward those, and then take action on it.

These 3 steps should help you organize the beginning
of this year in a positive way. Believe that real change is possible and that all it takes is a little direction and focus. Now go out and ROCK YOUR 2015. Not by overhauling your life, but by knowing where you want to be and taking the right steps in that direction. As always I am here to help you through this journey! Head over to Facebook to comment, question, leave your feedback.