How to become a morning exerciser:


So I recently had a friend of mine ask for tips on becoming a morning exerciser. During this time of year the “after work” gym crowd can be a little overwhelming. I will admit, I stay out of the gym from January till about March. I have the luxury of having enough equipment to keep up my workouts in my own garage. Not everyone has this privilege, so here are my best tips and practices to help you become a morning exerciser. Beat the crowds by being the early bird that gets the worm (or machine/equipment/squat rack)

PS this would also work if you are planning on working out at home or starting a new running habit.

1) Pick your clothes out the night before- There is nothing worse than having to make a decision on what to wear at __AM when you wake up to get ready for the gym. Place those clothes on top of your toilet. Seriously, you can’t have your morning tinkle without getting those workout clothes on 😉

2) Pack that gym bag too- Pack your bag with what you will need to shower and get ready for work. Put that bag in your doorway to leave your bedroom or at your front door.

*** These two tips make it really inconvenient to skip the gym. Thats the key: make it easier to hit the gym, than skip =)

3) Breakfast! – Now this one is going to take a bit of experimenting with your own body. I always recommend when you are starting out that you have a small breakfast about 30-45 minutes before hand. You will have to find out what works best for your body. You want to have fuel to burn, but you don’t want to be stuffed or have something that will come back up. Suggestions: Toast & PB, Yogurt & Fruit, Egg & Toast, Small protein shake

4) Start small- If you are trying to start a new habit the best way to start is small. Start with getting into a routine with waking up just enough time to get a short 10-15 minute workout in. Each week increase the time of your workout easing you in to waking up earlier. Soon it will become 2nd nature and your routine will be SET! I suggest doing short interval or metabolic workouts to keep in efficient in the morning

5) Have a post workout ritual- Maybe it is your protein shake time, breakfast, a long hot shower, 5 minutes in the sauna, or maybe you get your morning coffee (or 2nd morning coffee) post workout. Pick your ritual that you look forward to and make it a habit!

The biggest trick is to gain, maintain, and harness momentum. Those mornings that you are struggling with motivation or willpower rely on habits and momentum. It is easier to keep up a new habit until it is a brainless part of your day, than to start/stop start/stop start/stop. Think big picture on your goal to become a morning exerciser rather than hitting that the short term snooze button 10 times in a row (that feels like awful sleep anyway, right?)

WARNING shameless plug: If you’re looking for a motivating group atmosphere to get you moving in the morning check out my AM classes @ Inspired Training: Strength & Fitness classes held at 2130 Grant Street in Bellingham! See my schedule at or join us for the GRAND OPENING! on January 18th from 11-2 =) Get Inspired: see you there!