I didn’t used to like to read. People would often ask me my favorite book and I’d have to really think about it. I didn’t consider myself a reader. My hobbies were typically active, and much of my time was spent at work or what I call “recovering from work” (you know that place where you are brain dead and can’t really do anything) Reading wasn’t something I would make time, find time, spend time doing.
Until the day I picked up a good book.
Now I don’t mean your traditional, best selling, compelling story, plot twist book. I decided to read Linchpin by Seth Godin. On Amazon this is listed as an “Occupational & Organizational” book. I would call it almost a self help/business book. I loved the way it made me feel like I was watching a motivational speaker, or listening to a really long empowering TED talk. HOW FUN!
Then I started picking up more books on business, self development, psychology. I read about happiness, habits, willpower, brain power, neuroscience, marketing, thinking, small business, big business, success. I can be a reading MACHINE. I love sitting down, curling up with my dog and my fireplace going and reading. I now have about 3 books I am reading at a time. Even though I never thought I was a reader, I didn’t really enjoy it until I found the right books. I stopped reading what I didn’t like, and starting reading books I love.
This applies to so many different areas of life.
A biggy is exercise. The best way to stay healthy and active for your entire life is to find what you actually like and do it. Then continue to do it, when you find something new you enjoy…do that instead! For example if you hate running…you now have permission to NEVER RUN AGAIN unless of course you are being chased by a zombie or something. If you HATE spin class, don’t go. There are SO SO SO SO MANY types of exercise and activities out there. Try not to fall into a trap of, well this is what I am supposed to do. Find the stuff you like and DO IT MORE!
SIDE NOTE: You may need to ask yourself the right questions to find out WHY you actually hate these things. If it causes you physical pain, get it checked out. If you feel like you’re just terrible at it ask yourself if you would like it if you were better? Is this something that you want to strive to get better at?
I think people say, “I’m not really and exerciser” before they have really given it a shot. Maybe they have only tried running on a treadmill and they don’t like it, or they felt confused and lost in a power pump class. No big deal: there are 100 more things you can try. There really is something for everyone, you just have to dig a little, pull up your #braverybritches and try some things. What have you tried and really felt excited by? Are you still engaging in that activity?
Your quality of life goes up when you enjoy what you do. If you hate your exercise program you’re probably not going to stick to it. Simple as that. If you hate your job, you probably won’t progress very far and maintain your happiness and well being. Apply this idea to multiple places in your life.
Not a sushi fan? Maybe you haven’t found THE one that makes your tastebuds sing
Not a chef? I bet you can master ONE recipe that is bomb dot com and you love making
Let’s all make it a plan to try something new next week. It can be as small as breaking out of the norm to try a new restaurant, try a new leisure activity, try a new book. Give yourself a chance to enjoy things.
My message today is keep doing stuff! Explore your options as much as you can. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Do more of what you love! Move your body, move your soul, love your life!
I am going to go find a new trial, climb a new hill, get a little muddy! What are you going to try?