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Hey guys!

Well it is January 31st! You’ve made it through the first month of 2015! How does that feel? Are you still trying to figure out what this year has in store for you? Well honestly you will never fully control what the future holds, but you can control how you prepare and work toward your goals.

At the end of december and the beginning of January I started to chat with you about goals and themes for your year. I just wanted to touch base with you here. How you doing? Do you have that mantra/theme plastered all over your wallpaper, mirrors, vision boards? Get creative and artistic a bit with how you display your goal for you to see everyday.

Today I am going to touch on failure. Many people quit/give up on their goals for the year as early as the end of January and I wont accept that, and neither should you. There is no complete failure unless you abandon yourself. Each step is a step in the right direction, because even if you try something and it didn’t quite work…you’ve learned and now you can move forward from that. So instead of viewing that as a failure, I view that as a success lesson. You can learn MANY ways that won’t work, don’t view them as set backs or failures. See them as part of the journey, learn, grow and keep moving forward toward the year you dreamed of.

One of my BIGGEST struggles when I started dreaming big and setting large goals for myself each year was fear. I was afraid that I didn’t deserve to have the results, see the change, live the life I wanted. I know fear can be paralyzing. Somedays I would backslide and try to completely give in because I was afraid of success. At this point I usually ate a healthy dose of Dark Chocolate, took a deep breath (sometimes a nap) and then I would keep pushing toward my dreams and goals. I did not all of the sudden become more brave or courageous than I was before. I just became more determined to not let fear be what was holding me back. It is ok to be afraid, as long as you acknowledge it, shake it’s hand, and then keep taking the right action steps to move forward. Find a system that helps you relax and refocus and do this ritual every time that you are feeling a bit scared, overwhelmed, or feel like throwing in the towel.

Fear might not be the only thing holding you back. I would love to hear what your biggest challenges are. What is that one roadblock you cannot seem to move past? Let me know we’ll come up with a solution together. Sometimes just acknowledging your challenge can crack open a whole new outlook!

As always keep being your awesome selves! Onward and Upward!