There are so many new workouts and fun new tools to use to stay in shape at home.  The problem is not lack of information or access to cool at home workout programs.  Sometimes the biggest problem is getting started.  Stepping away from the Pinterest Fitness board and actually start using some of the quick at home ways to get your body moving.

My BIGGEST recommendation is to start simple. Tony Robbins said “Complexity is the enemy of execution” Meaning if you actually intend to get it done and stick to it, keep is simple sweetheart.

We all have to start somewhere and if you are looking for an at home workout program chances are you have googled/facebooked/pinterest searched “at home workouts” and had a million hits. This can seem terribly daunting. We look at all the workout options and feel stuck, resulting in no workout getting accomplished.

The challenge is to find something that is actually going to work for YOU. Of course working out from home sounds fantastic, and can save you some time energy. Sometimes it’s that first step that is the hardest. The first step to starting (and sticking to) your at home workout program can be just as difficult.

I am going to share with you 3 simple ways that you can stay consistent and actually turn your exercise and training (even from home) into a habit.

  1. Start with some thing familiar – If you have previously followed a program, I would start there. Picking moves that you are already familiar with will make the first steps easier to accomplish. If you are not familiar with any at home program, pick something that is suited to your experience level and don’t be afraid to start as a beginner.
  2. Start short – Trying to implement a new program that is 1 hour + in length seems daunting and takes up a ton of willpower energy. If you start with small bites (10-20 minutes) to begin you will ease yourself into a new training habit. As you improve you can increase to longer workouts, or keep them shorter to fit your schedule. Even if you squeeze a shortened version of the workout it to accommodate a busy day, it still counts!
  3. Give yourself a gold star! – Stay visually accountable, mark your calendar each time you complete a workout. Set small process goals. Each week try to attain a set number of workouts. Marking the workouts on a calendar or chart will give you that “gold star” of accomplishment. And even though we are adults, you’d be surprised at how much that “gold star” starts to mean to us.


Try these 3 tricks to get you started! Get your body moving, and start feeling better today! Stay tuned an over the next week I will be posting a few of my favorite at home workouts. Until then run to the store and grab yourself a new calendar and a package of gold start stickers and let’s get moving!

Do you have a motivation trick that helps you get “in the mood” to exercise? I’d love to hear what works for you! Let me know in the comments below or share it on my Facebook page here