We have all seen the memes that take over your Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest that say:

Train insane or remain the same

Go hard or go home

What’s your excuse?

Suck it up now so you won’t have to suck it in later.

I’m sure you can all list your least favorite saying. Sometimes the saying is not as bad as the photoshopped/tanned/oiled picture in the background promoting an extreme figure. These memes and the culture behind them is really promoting a myth. The lie that you need to almost vomit after each workout for it to count as a real training session.


I am going to be a mythbuster here. You DO NOT have to train insane to make a huge difference in your body. You can make a huge difference starting with 10 minutes a day. Yest that is right! If you stay consistent and build up from 10 minutes a day to even 30-45 minutes a day you can see and feel significant changes.

These 30-45 minutes do not have to be INSANE training either. Strategic heart rate training mixed with strength training can help you improve your health and see the results you’re looking for. The key is CONSISTENCY not insanity.

I would much rather train my clients 30 minutes every day for strategic training, than push them extra hard on Monday and have them walking funny for the rest of the week. Muscle soreness is inevitable when training to build muscle, but if it interferes with your everyday life and de-motivates you to stay on track with your consistent training schedule than you might want to reconsider your intensity.

These memes add to a destructive mindset. Go hard or go home? If you are not feeling well when you walk into your training session. I would not suggest you get under maximum load or kick you out and make you feel like a failure. On these days we train for mobility, take a brisk walk, grab a foam roller and go to town. All of these things will help you stay on track to reach your goals and help you leave the gym feeling better than you walked in. These methods are just as important as your heavy lifting days.

Please do not over stress you body, just because Pinterest guilted you into “training insane” Bring what you have today, work with where you are right now. Ignore the destructive memes and stay consistent, healthy, and successful.

That is just my $.02!

Eat Well.

Train Hard……HOLD IT!!! Didn’t I just write an entire blog saying you shouldn’t use this kind of terminology? Stay tuned I am going to explain and expand the #trainhard hashtag I use and what it means.

Love Always.