by Steph | Jan 23, 2015 | BLOG, Dream Big, Love
I didn’t used to like to read. People would often ask me my favorite book and I’d have to really think about it. I didn’t consider myself a reader. My hobbies were typically active, and much of my time was spent at work or what I call...
by Steph | Jan 19, 2015 | BLOG, Dream Big, Goals
What is that one thing you have always wanted to do? What do you want to be when you grow up? Don’t be afraid to dream big, and have you’re own dream. Some people want to work for a national news team, or be a part of a fortune 500 company, work at the...
by Steph | Jan 15, 2015 | BLOG, Goals, Train
Some of your biggest AHA moments grab a hold of you when you least expect it. Today a client and I were discussing goals and aim for her workouts and we came up with the phrase “Acceptance without settling” Many people have a hard time accepting their body. They...
by Steph | Jan 13, 2015 | BLOG, Train
How to become a morning exerciser: So I recently had a friend of mine ask for tips on becoming a morning exerciser. During this time of year the “after work” gym crowd can be a little overwhelming. I will admit, I stay out of the gym from January till...
by Steph | Jan 9, 2015 | BLOG, Dream Big
I am using Throwback Thursday to share with you my journey. I took a little trip down memory lane this afternoon while listening to old music and flipping through pictures from my past. I recall the good, the bad, the ugly, and the stressful. As I stared into the fake...
by Steph | Jan 5, 2015 | BLOG, Dream Big, Goals
Maybe it feels like I left you hanging last week. I hope I got you all fired up possibilities for your New Year. I am going to clarify a bit this week. Take you from thinking big, to 3 tangible steps you can take forward. During the last week of the year I asked you...