The Tale of the Scale #bikinirebellion

The Tale of the Scale #bikinirebellion

The dirty little secret hiding on the bathroom floor: Neghar Foonini is running a #bikinirebellion program and it has really inspired me to share a personal story. If you want to check out the rebellion head you can read about it here. And look for #bikinirebellion of...
The Fitness trend that MUST STOP!

The Fitness trend that MUST STOP!

There is a fitness trend that must STOP. To be honest I could list at least 5 fitness or weight loss trends that I wouldn’t mind seeing fall off the face of the earth, but today I am only going to focus on the one that has been making my skin crawl this spring....

Make that roadblock your B!%@h!

We all share feelings of hesitation and even self-doubt when it comes to fulfilling a really big goal we have. A friend once told me if your dreams don’t scare you, than they are not big enough. I fully believe that. Feeling afraid is normal. Road blocks happen...
How I fired Negative Nancy

How I fired Negative Nancy

When I was a girl I remember a short period of time where my mom had a swear jar.  Any time we used fowl language or said something inappropriate we had to put a quarter in.  Although this was negative reinforcement it really seemed to keep us from swearing. Did any...