The Fitness trend that MUST STOP!

The Fitness trend that MUST STOP!

There is a fitness trend that must STOP. To be honest I could list at least 5 fitness or weight loss trends that I wouldn’t mind seeing fall off the face of the earth, but today I am only going to focus on the one that has been making my skin crawl this spring....
Be an Inspired Fitness Pirate, make the rest walk the plank!

Please, put down that fad diet/detox/cleanse

Fitness inspiration outside the box I hope if you have been following me for a short while now you will notice that I do things a little bit different at Inspired Training. I don’t post huge before and after pictures, I don’t run 21-day weight loss...
Be an Inspired Fitness Pirate, make the rest walk the plank!

How to be a Cardio Queen AND an Iron Goddess

Do you have to choose between a Cardio Queen and an Iron Goddess? My answer is absolutely not! You train for a goal. If you want to put on muscle mass, you have to pay very close attention to your food intake, and your strength training. Will a bike ride around town...
Be an Inspired Fitness Pirate, make the rest walk the plank!

Do What You Love

I didn’t used to like to read. People would often ask me my favorite book and I’d have to really think about it. I didn’t consider myself a reader. My hobbies were typically active, and much of my time was spent at work or what I call...